1. Some days ago I gave a talk at the local LUG on Erlang. The basic idea was to spark the interest in the language while keeping it comprehensible to most people. Of course you need slides for such an occasion, and what tool but LaTeX is the solution? First, you'll need the BEAMER package. Ubuntu has a 'latex-beamer' package. Then you'll simply begin a LaTeX document with: Update: Changed 'fontend' to 'fontenc' which is the right thing to write here ;) \documentclass[20pt]{beamer} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \begin{document} ... Each slide page can then be added with the following construction \frame{ \begin{center} Concurrency\\ $+$\\ Parallelism \end{center} } which creates a single slide frame on which text is placed. Calling 'pdflatex' on the document then produces a PDF you can show in 'evince' or similar program. Run the document in presentation mode and you are set to go. The next part is graphics. One would think this is hard, but oh no! Not so! You just add \usepackage{graphicx} before the document environment. And then you can include images like I did in this slide (note that you can often omit the file-type ending and let LaTeX figure out that part by itself) \frame{ \begin{center} \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{400px-Skull_and_crossbones.pdf}\\ \textbf{\large{``Doom doom doom''}} \end{center} } Luckily, you are not limited to only PDF documents. I used PNGs, JPEGs and a couple of other things. The Beamer homepage Slides from the talk Guy Kawasaki: the 10-20-30 rule for Pitching on Youtube

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I am jlouis. Pro Erlang programmer. I hack Agda, Coq, Twelf, Erlang, Haskell, and (Oca/S)ML. I sometimes write blog posts. I enjoy beer and whisky. I have a rather kinky mind. I also frag people in Quake.
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