1. Haskell vs. Erlang

    Since I wrote a bittorrent client in both Erlang and Haskell, etorrent and combinatorrent respectively, I decided to put up some bait. This might erupt in a language war and “My language is better than yours”, but I feel I am obligated to write something subjective. Here is to woes of programming in Haskell and Erlang.

    Neither Haskell, nor Erlang was a first language for me. I have programmed serious programs in C, Standard ML, Ocaml, Python, Java and Perl; tasted the cake of Go, Javascript, Scheme and Ruby; and has written substantial stuff in Coq and Twelf. I love static type systems, a bias that will rear its ugly head and breathe fire.

    I have written Haskell code seriously since 2005 and Erlang code seriously since 2007. I have programmed functionally since 1997 or so. My toilet reading currently is “Categories for the working mathematician” by Mac Lane. Ten years ago it was “ML for the working programmer” by Paulson.

    Enough about me.


    With any language war material follows a disclaimer and a healthy dose of caveats. This is subjective. You have to live with it being subjective. My writing can’t be objective and colorful at the same time. And I like colors in my life. Also, it is no fun reading a table listing the comparison. Rather, I will try to make it into a good foil duel with attacks, parries, guards, pierces, bananas, and barbed wire.

    I built etorrent in Erlang first and combinatorrent in Haskell second. Hence, the 2nd time around, with the sole goal of redoing the functionality of etorrent was much easier and could proceed much faster. The Erlang code is slightly fattier at 4.2K lines versus 3.6K lines of Haskell (SLOCs). The performance of the two clients is roughly equal, but more time was spent at optimizing the Haskell code.

    My hypothesis is this: The Erlang VM is much more optimized at the IO layer than the current IO layer I use in GHC (specifically, the way incoming data is handled allocates more memory. This might change in the future do to a new IO layer). GHC kills the Erlang VM for everything else though, perhaps including message passing.

    Also, the quality of the Erlang code could be better, relatively compared to the Haskell code.


    Enough with the caveats!

    Haskell cons:

    What weighs against using Haskell for the project? First is laziness. Sometimes you want your code to be strict and sometimes lazy. In combinatorrent, we do some statistics which we don’t really need to calculate unless we want to present them. Stuff like bytes uploaded and downloaded for instance. Since you do not necessarily ask for these statistics, the compiler is free to build up thunks of the calculation and you have a neat little space leak. This is a recurring problem until you learn how to harness the strictness annotations of Haskell. Then the problem disappears.

    IO in Haskell is somewhat weak if you naively assume a String is fast. But there is help from Bytestrings, attoparsec and low-level Socket networking. Combinatorrent could use more help with getting the speed up here. I have substituted the IO layers lowest level some 2–3 times in combinatorrent. Contrast this with Erlang, where the original protocol parser and IO is the one still standing. If you want fast network IO in Haskell, you should be using bytestrings and network-bytestring. It is not worth the simplicity going over String in my experience.

    The GHC compiler has, comparatively, more performance regressions compared to the Erlang VM. It should come as no surprise: GHC is acting as both a research vehicle and a compiler implementation. I want to stress however, that this has not worried me a lot. When asking the GHC developers for help, the response has been fast and helpful, and in every case it was easy to fix or work around. Also, change is a necessary thing if you want to improve.

    Haskell pros:

    Haskell has one very cool thing: Static typing (remember the bias!). The type system of Haskell is the most advanced type system for a general purpose language in existence. The only systems which can beat it are theorem provers like Coq, and they are not general purpose programming languages (Morriset and the YNot team might disagree though!). Static typing has some really cool merits. Bugs are caught fast and early; types ensure few corner cases in the programs (why check for null when it can’t be represented). The types is my program skeleton and the program inhabiting the type is the flesh. Getting the skeleton right yields small and succinct programs. The abstraction possibilities from this is unparalleled in any language I have seen (and I’ve seen a few).

    The GHC compiler provides programs which have excellent execution speed. You don’t need to worry a lot about speed when the compiler simply fixes most of the problems for you. This in turn means that you can write abstract code without worrying too much about the result. This yields vastly more general and simpler programs.

    One very big difference in the implementations is that of STM channels versus Erlangs message passing. In Erlang, each process has a mailbox of unbounded size. You send messages to the mailbox, identified by the process ID of the mailbox owner. In Haskell, we use STM Channels for most communication. Thus, you send messages not to the PID of a process, but to a specific channel. This effectively changes some rules in channel network configuration. In Erlang you must either globally register a process or propagate PIDs. In Haskell, channels are created and then propagated to communicating parties. I find the Haskell approach considerably easier - but also note that in a statically typed language, channels is the way to go. The sum type for a PID mailbox would be cumbersome in comparison.

    Haskell has excellent library and data structure support. For instance you have access to priority search queues via Hackage. PSQueues are useful for implementing the piece histogram in a bittorrent client: knowing how rare a given piece is so you can seek to fetch the rarest first.

    Haskell can create (im-)mutable (un-)boxed arrays. These are useful in a bittorrent client in several places. Immutable arrays for storing knowledge about pieces is an example. Or bit-arrays for storing knowledge about the pieces a given peer has. Erlang has no easy access to these and no guarantee of the data representation.

    Bryan O’Sullivans attoparsec library allows for incremental parsing. When you get a new chunk of data from the network, you feed it to attoparsec. It will either give you a parsed message and the remaining bytes, or it will hand you back a continuation. This continuation, if invoked with more food, will continue the parsing. For network sockets the incrementality is pure win.

    The GHC compiler has some awesome profiling tools, including a powerful heap profiler. Using this, the run-time and memory usage of combinatorrent was brought down.

    Finally, testing in Haskell is easy. QuickCheck and Test.Framework provides a —tests target built into the combinatorrent binary itself. Self tests are easy.

    Haskell mistakes:

    I made some mistakes when writing the Haskell client. For one I relied on the CML library until I realized STM would do an equal or better job. The amount of Haskell developers with STM experience compared to the CML head-count made the decision to change easy.

    Furthermore, I should have focused on laziness earlier in the process. The first combinatorrent releases leak memory because of lazy thunk buildup. The latter versions, after I understood it intuitively, does not leak.

    Erlang cons:

    In Erlang, dynamic typing is the norm. Rather than enforce typing, you can get warnings by a type analyzer tool, the dialyzer, if need be. Running this on the code is a good idea to weed out some problems quickly. When building etorrent I had much use of the dialyzer and used a at that time experimental extension: spec() specifications. Yet, I think that 19/20 errors in my erlang programs were errors which a type system would have caught easily. This means you spend more time actually running the program and observing its behavior. Also note that dynamic typing hurts less in Erlang compared to other languages. A process is comprehensible in its own right and that reduces the interface to the process communication - a much simpler task.

    Etorrent has less stability than combinatorrent and has erred more. Yet, this is no problem for a bittorrent client since the supervisor-tree in Erlang/OTP will automatically restart broken parts of the system. For a bittorrent client we can live with a death once a week or once a day without any troubles.

    You have no mutability in Erlang and you have far less options for data representation. This in turn make certain algorithms rather hard to express or you have to opt for variant with a larger space usage. There were no Cabal-equivalent at the time I wrote the code and thus fewer libraries to choose from.

    For the built-in libraries, the HTTP library was more strict with respect to correctness. In turn, many trackers would not communicate with it and I had to provide a wrapper around the library. Today, this might have changed though. Haskells HTTP library worked out of the box with no changes.

    Erlangs syntax, compared to Haskell, is ugly, clunky and cumbersome. Make no mistake though: Tanks are ugly, clunky and cumbersome. It does not make tanks less menacing.

    Erlang pros:

    One application SASL. SASL is a system logger which will record in a ring-buffer any kind of process death and process restart. I used this a lot when developing. I would load a couple of torrents in the client and go to bed. Next morning I would check the SASL log for any error that might have occurred and fix those bugs. This way of developing is good for a bittorrent client: utmost stability is not needed. We just to get the number of errors below a certain threshold. Rather than waste time fixing a bug which only occurs once every year, we can concentrate on the things that matter.

    The IO layer in Erlangs VM is FAST! It is written in C, and it is optimized heavily because this is what Erlang does best. For file IO it uses asynchronous threads to circumvent having to wait on the kernel. For the network, it plugs into epoll() getting good performance in turn.

    The Beam VM of Erlang is a beast of stability. Basically, it doesn’t quit unless you nuke it from orbit. One of the smaller things I learned some weeks ago was the rudimentary flow control trick. Erlang schedules by counting reductions in an Erlang process and then switching process context when it has no more reductions in its time share. Sending a message never fails but it costs reductions proportional to the queue size of the receiving process. Hence, many senders have a harder time overloading a single receiver. The trick is simple, easily implementable and provides some simple flow control. While not fail-safe, it ups the ante for when communication overload happens.

    Erlang has OTP, the Open Telecom Platform, which is a callback-framework for processes. You implement a set of callbacks and hand over control to the OTP-portion of your process. OTP then handles a lot of the ugly, gritty details leaving your part simple. OTP also provides the supervision of processes, restarting them if they err. Supervisor-processes form trees so they are in turn supervised. It isn’t turtles all the way down in an Erlang VM…

    Erlang executes fast enough for most things. Haskell gives you faster execution, but Erlang was more than adequate for a bittorrent client in the speed department. As an example of how this plays together with the IO layer, an early version of etorrent could sustain 700 megabit network load on a local network of 1 gigabit when seeding. The current version of etorrent can do the same as a seeder I suspect. Also, message passing in Erlang is blazing fast. It feels like a function call - a key to good Erlang I think.

    The Erlang shell can easily be used as a poor mans user interface. Etorrent simply responds to some functions in the shell, showing status of the running system. I suspect GHCi can do the same, but I never got around to doing it and it doesn’t seem as easy to pull off.

    I love the Erlang way of programming. You assume your code does the right thing and let it crash otherwise. If it crashes too often you handle that case. Code is not lingered with error handling for things that never happen and should it happen occasionally, the supervisor tree saves the day.

    Erlang mistakes:

    Unfortunately, I made a number of mistakes in Etorrent. Most of these has to do with being the first version. Fred P. Brooks hinted that you want to throw away things when building the first version. And I did. I used ETS tables in places where they are not good. ETS is a table in which you can store any erlang term and later retrieve it. They give you a way to circumvent the representation limitation in Erlang. But they are no silver bullet: When you pull out a term, you copy it to the process pulling it. When your terms are 4–8 megabyte in size, that hurts a lot.

    I relied far too much on mnesia, the database in Erlang. Mnesia is basically using software-transactional-memory so locking is optimistic. When you have something like 80 writers wanting access to the same row in a table, then the system starves. Also, there is no need for a bittorrent application to require a mnesia store. A simple serialization of key data to a file based on a timer is more than adequate.

    I made several mistakes in the process model. I thought that choking was local to a torrent while in reality it is a global thing for all torrents currently being downloaded. These reorganizations require quite some refactoring - and missing in the static typing department these are somewhat more expensive compared to Haskell refactorings.

    I thought autotools were a good idea. It is not. Autotools is the Maven of C programming.

    Finally, I shedded unit-tests. In a dynamically typed environment you need lots and lots of these. But I decided against them early on. In hindsight this was probably a mistake. While unit-testing Erlang code is hard, it is by no means impossible.


    The future brings exciting things with it. I will continue Combinatorrent development. I am almost finished with the Fast-extension (BEP 0006) for combinatorrent and have some more optimization branches ready as well. I still follow Erlang in general because it is an interesting language with a lot of cool uses. I do check that etorrent compiles on new releases of Erlang. If anyone shows interest in any of the client implementations, feel free to contact me. I will happily answer questions.

    There is no clear winner in the duel. I prefer Haskell, but I am biased and believe in static typing. Yet I like programming in Erlang - both languages are good from different perspectives.


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