Now the Dart language is out at, we can begin looking at the language and see what we think of it. Everything here are musings from reading the spec of the Dart language. Note that my points here are quite subjective at times. Don't expect this to be an objective run down of the language. Rather, I wanted to write down what I thought about the language just by looking at the specification alone.
Starting out, we generally won't focus on the syntax of the language. The syntax is boring, tedious and just there. It is Java/Javascript-like, mostly to interest the right kinds of people on the language. We note that the syntax is considerably shorter and leaner than the equivalent Java code and that there are notational
stuff going on to make certain things easier to write down in the programs.
The major goal of Dart is to clean up Javascript and make design choices in the language which does not hamper raw execution speed. Javascript is not built for compilation into fast programs. There are simply too many nasty warts and design choices in the language which makes it very hard to compile. V8 is astoundingly good at it, but by altering the source language a little bit, you can squeeze out much more power with very little effort.
I think that this is a goal of Dart which is central. Don't design yourself into a corner by language features.
Dart is Single Threaded but support concurrency through an Actor-like concept of isolates. The choice of making the runtime single threaded is understandable. It is vastly simpler to write a compiler for a single threaded runtime than it is for a multi-threaded one. Also, the focus is perhaps on writing programs for web browsers and the amount of extra processing power to be had there from multiple processors is perhaps limited. Note that while the language specification says it is single threaded, the Isolate concept in the library talks about heavy isolates which are separate threads. One could imagine that the execution inside an isolated region is always single-threaded (Like in, Erlang for instance), but the system as a whole might have several isolates working simultaneously.
On the other hand, even your modern mobile device goes multi-core. Thus, the choice is as much as a gamble as opting for a multi-core solution from day one. This choice is the conservative one.
Dart makes it explicit that it has several kinds of errors and that these may come "lazily" on demand. The idea is to facilitate JIT-compilation, so an implementation is not required to report all errors up front. An understandable and interesting choice. For a programmer with the proactive view (Haskell, Java, Ocaml) on error reporting, this sounds rather bad, but for a programmer with an reactive view (Erlang), it sounds quite familiar.
Naturally, the language makes the almost ubiquitous billion dollar mistake of C.A.R Hoare: the language includes null as a default. Almost all non-functional languages do.
An interesting choice is to enforce simplicity on static/final values. This is to ensure fast startup times, so a program can't hide a large computation in a global variable at startup.
Amusingly, the language must make sure that every function returns 'null' in the case where the function has no return statement. This is funny because in functional languages, this kind of problem doesn't exist. a 'void' function can't be used in expression context in an imperative language, but since Dart type system is not enforcing, there are no guarantees. Hence a kludge is introduced.
Functions are first class values with a simple notation for the equivalent of a lambda construction.
The language has operator overloading, but as is common in imperative languages, you cannot define your own operator. Rather, you must use the operators that come with the language.
Stealing ideas from other languages, there are convenience notation for getters and setters. On the other hand, there is no mention of lenses. The language is pretty much a standard OO-language with no mention of prototypical OO as in Javascript. This choice is probably smart since prototypical OO is irritating to compile.
There is a built-in notion of factory construction, much like the notation of getters and setters. The idea is to allow a constructor to act as a factory under the hood so the callers don't need to get exposed to the fact that there is a factory. One could imagine this concept extended to other classic design patterns over time.
The language is single-inheritance+interface+generics. Unlike Go, this language does support generics with upper bounds on the class hierarchy. In other words, the language has bounded quantification. And it even support F-bounded quantification on generics (also called recursively bounded quantification - you allow the class parameter T to occur in the bound as well: "T extends I(T)
", see wikipedia on bounded quantification).
The language is pure. Everything is an object. You see that choice since null is the sole instance of class Null for example.
Dart has true integers of unbounded size. There is no cramming everything into double values. There are no pesky size bounds to battle. In other words, Dart picked the innovative choice.
I wonder... if a bool is an object, can I have a null bool?
Strings are unicode. We got lists and maps in the language. We have a functional expression notation for fast notation of small simple function evaluation thingies. It is perhaps the easiest way to get some functional ideas into a language without making it not seem like Java.
Note that a simple expression like '2 + 1' is internally compiled into a method invocation of the 2 objects + method with a parameter of 1.
In a very controversial move the type system is unsound. Having an unsound type system means that the type system may allow for certain bugs to happen in production code. Time will show if this is a problem in practice. It may be you almost never hit the problem in practice and then this choice might end up being pretty sane. But if you can hit the unsoundness easily, this choice will end up being pretty bad.
As in Java, constructing new types is had by making classes. To construct compound types, you need to use generics and parametrize the types as holes in the generic.
The most interesting part of the language, which is pretty conservative, is the choice of baking in both dynamic and static types into the same language. While the static type system is unsound, time will show if this unsoundness is troubling. C is also pretty bad type-wise, but that has not withheld people from writing software in it and using the type system to weed out bugs.
The other interesting part is hidden in the library as a library extension and are called Isolates. An Isolate is, technically, an actor which processes by itself. There is a concept of message passing ports between actors so one can send and receive information. Naturally, futures also form part of this definition.
My primary critique of the language is that Dart provides nothing new to the table. It looks like a Java-for-the-web clone without providing something new. Granted, it may sway some Java programmers to move toward the Web in the long run. Granted, this is in the interest of Google because the reliance on Java is dangerous when Oracle controls it. As a language, Dart is considerably less innovative than Google Go. Rather it buys into existing ideas, and adds a gradual type system as the most innovative feature. I am not too worried about the unsoundness currently, but it is an inherent danger lurking until the static checker will warn about it.
The secondary critique is the Isolate construction. First, there is a difference between a heavy and a light isolate. One provides a new thread of execution while the other provides an light-weight process in the current thread. There is no concept of migration so the programmer has to know beforehand how the program will run and execute to use isolates. It does provide pure isolation though, something not present in Go.
There are problems with this though. Can I create 100000 heavy isolates? Can I create 100000 light isolates? Suppose one of the light isolates ties up the CPU for a long time. Will isolates then be preemptively scheduled out so others gets a chance, or will the system keep running the single isolate while all others wait in queue? I am asking because it hurts latency.
Second, the notation is not built-in but provided as a library. This usually leads to code with heavier weight.
Third, there is no way to scrutinize the mailbox. You get a callback whenever a message is delivered, but it is up to you to build the search infrastructure for the mailbox. This is in strong contrast with Erlang and it usually leads to more complex actors in the long run.
Fourth, there is no concept of robustness. I can't link together Isolates so I can be told when other Isolates die and take care of it. Without links and monitors, it is cumbersome to build anything resembling OTP for Dart.
Fifth, where is my selective receive? We can easily imagine a single isolate having access to multiple ReceivePorts.
In conclusion, the current Isolate-implementation leaves much to be desired. I'd much rather want to hack Google Go in the browser than Dart to be honest. Go is a neater language, is more innovative, is farther ahead and has built-in-concurrency primitives. You just need to add a jQuery-like interface to Go and then it can substitute Dart as an imperative language.
What Dart DOES provide however is the ability to run faster than Javascript. It is clear that some of the choices enables the language to be compiled to much faster executing code. Also, if all you know is Javascript, the language is probably pretty neat. To the Java programmer, proper closures will be a warm welcome.
But for a guy who has seen things you wouldn't believe. Haskell ships off the shoulder of MultiCore CPUs. Watched OCaml glitter in the dark near TAPL. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.
Finally, a disclaimer: I may be wrong on several occasions. I've had some 1-2 hours to study the language, and you can't really grasp a programming language in less than 1-2 months. So I may be wrong. Wrong on all points. Like fine wine, languages need a bit of time to mature and bloom into what they are. Dart is pretty young and drafty in its nature. A lot of things can happen.
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